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Vinod Jose

Contact Details
M: +1 267 271  2599


Key Competencies 

Market research, market sizing, water startups, growth strategy, go-to-market, business development, financial modeling, venture capital, due diligence, drinking water, wastewater, stormwater. 

Water verticals: water utilities, digital water management & water treatment

Why have you chosen to work within the space of water?

I took water for granted all my life and never thought about the mechanics of what happens behind the scenes when I open the tap in my house.

Hence, I was extremely surprised to learn that water is a fascinating global industry when I stumbled upon Amane Advisors in 2020, a leading water sector focused management consulting firm which was acquired by Roland Berger in 2024.

Over 4 years with Amane, I discovered various parts of the value chain and learnt about new subsegments with each project working for large private companies as well private equity funds active in water.

Of the 5 elements of nature, I resonate with water the most, especially water’s ability to adapt and transform.

I have developed my own views about investment opportunities and GtM, I wish to stay connected with the water sector over the coming decades as well as “put my money where my mouth is”.

What do you believe is the biggest challenges within the water industry in the upcoming years?

Water industry has a long list of “consistent” challenges that keep making it to the list every year simply because as an industry it has been ignored for a long time.

The good news is that there is increasing awareness and sense of urgency especially with climate change, reflected by the number of new investors and entrepreneurs entering the industry over the last 5-7 years.

The challenge therefore is not a lack of solution or innovation - the entrepreneurs are able to figure that out; however, they struggle with GtM (Go-to-Market).

The market is very fragmented, based on relationships and is quite risk averse when it comes to adopting new innovative solutions, which leads to long sales cycles. This is further complicated by the knowledge gap created by seasoned operators who rely on “manual and reliable way of doing things” but are retiring and the young less experienced workforce who are tech savvy and are seeking state of the art solutions.

Hence, managing this generational transition, where the next generation is equipped with the latest tools while ensuring nothing breaks in the operations is one of the biggest challenges as well as opportunity in the coming years.

Can you tell a bit more about yourself?

I was born in India and currently live near Philadelphia, USA with my wife and two kids.

I am a knowledge seeker and believe in value creation in whatever I do. I have a focus on US/India cross border opportunities and have been investing in startups in India since 2013.

As a way of life, I see myself as an investor the most, and hence can bring the investor perspective in my conversations with founders and CEOs who are looking to enter the US or India. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends around the world.